Why becoming more aware of the rules can help you feel more able to choose whether to follow them…
How can you keep the coronavirus from infecting your mind? Here are some practical psychological tips…
Ever wondered why it can be so hard to make what seems like it should be a simple decision? It could be that it doesn’t work for your family ecosystem…
Do you actively enjoy failure? No?! Well join the rest of us. Yet most parents feel as though they have failed at one point or another, so what might help you get better at it? Here are some thoughts from perinatal psychology.
Is motherhood what you expected? Or do you feel like somehow you’ve been trapped without realising?
There is a quality about new motherhood that can set it apart from other stages of being a mother.
We’re learning more about anxiety, and that also means that we need to learn more about how to cope when someone near us has it.
How can knowing more about our grandmothers help us in our relationship with our own mothers?
Do you have thoughts that cause you distress? What are you doing about them? Are you in denial, or are you trying to suppress them? Or do they cause you to panic?
These are not strategies that will work, so here are some ideas.
Do you notice what makes you anxious? Or do you just think it's irrational and you should just 'get over it?'
Sometimes new mothers don't feel the way they expect to. Maybe they don't feel as joyful and contecned as they expected. Is that OK?
Bonding is now seen as such a big issue - but does it matter if you don't bond immediately? And what can you do if you don't?
What if you can't always be 'on'? What if you need some time to yourself? Does that make you a bad mum?
Does the idea of 'me time' make you want to punch someone? Or cry? Because it feels so unattainable?